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Jego - 连接你的号码 接拨国际电话

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Special offer: Get 88 minutes International Calls for FREE!*
Jego allows you to make international calls at high quality and incredibly low cost anywhere in the world.
Jego is unique in that it also offers the renting and binding of China Mobile numbers in the world which makes it ideal for those who wish to be connected with people in Mainland China for business or leisure.

- Subscribe a China Mobile number to receive free roaming calls and allow your China contacts to reach you like local calls.
Exclusive offer from Jego - US$4.99/month

- For overseas users who already have a China Mobile number, you can now retain your number and bind it with Jego to enjoy free roaming incoming calls and receive SMS.**
Free for first 30 days*, only US$0.99/month*

- Long distance calls with competitive rates to over 200 countries, and no hidden fee will be charged. Calling to China - US$0.022/minute

Feature highlights:
- Call mobiles and landlines worldwide
- Rent a China Mobile or Hong Kong number to receive unlimited free calls in Jego
- Bind your China Mobile number into Jego to receive calls and SMS for saving roaming cost
- High quality IDD offered by China Mobile global network
- Jego to Jego voice calls, video calls and texts to all of your Jego friends
- China Mobile Hong Kong customers can top up via carrier billing

** To bind your China Mobile number into Jego, please register Jego with your China Mobile number, and subscribe the service in Jego homepage.
*This promotion may be updated or ended without notification .
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Jego is a mobile communication application based on internet (3G/4G & WiFi), so network data charges may apply.